SEO Case Study: Why You Need to Be Patient (part 1)

 Today, we're going to talk about just how important it is to be patient when you're building websites. We're going to have gone through four years worth of data on a website of mine and take away seven lessons that you can think about when you're building your own websites. All right. 

So jumping right in, the reason why we're making this video today is because I asked the community what sort of videos you guys liked, and it looks like 59% of you guys like SEO how-to tutorials along with another 26% of you that enjoyed my case studies of my own experiences. So because three or four of you guys enjoy those sorts of videos, that's why I wanted to dig into this sort of topic. 

In case you haven't answered some of my other polls before, be sure to check them out of my channel because I take that direct feedback to then apply it to future videos. Before we dig into years one through fourth data on this particular website, I should give you some background context as to how I've built this website. 

This website was an experimental niche for me a few years ago. And over time, I've gradually added a few more posts every single month on this website. So give or take at a minimum level, it was 10 posts every single month. And at a maximum level it's been as high as 30 or more posts every single month. Typically speaking, when I'm creating content, I could release content that is at least 1500 words in length, and it is really trying to take the skyscraper approach of being more comprehensive than any other website out there. The other thing to keep in mind is that all of this has been done with white hat method. I don't believe in black hat or even gray hat methods, I believe in playing long term games. 

Now, with that out of the way, let's take a look at year one's data. All right. So here you can see the results of just a one month snapshot of the month of June year over year. In terms of this particular website, this website had about 17,000 visits in year two, as opposed to my year one visits, which were around 7.8K in the month of June, the year before. So right off the bat, what you can tell is that in between years, one and two of consistently releasing anywhere from 10 to 15 posts a month or so, I was growing traffic gradually over time. You're also going to notice how a lot of the metrics are up and to the right, in which with new users, it also leads to more sessions and naturally more page views onto this respective website. 

When it comes to taking a look at things like average session duration or bounce rates, I'm not too concerned at this point in time in the website building process, mainly just because I'm still building up the core content on this site. And I'm not really trying to optimize anything. But main thing that you can see here is that between years one and years two, I saw some pretty big growth in which traffic year over year was 117%. Going into the following year, between years two and three, you can see that growth tapered a little bit. And here you can see that in year three, the number of users that were on the site in the month of June, grew a little bit more in which it grew 33% where the total number of users was 22.4K compared to the prior year, which was 16.8K. So still some gradual growth and the main things that you need to know in between this time period is that I kind of took a backseat in terms of this respective site, because I was focusing on scaling some other sites at that time. 

And so it naturally make sense that what happened here was I didn't release all that much more content. And as a result, the growth kind of tapered as well, but it still was up into the right in overall terms. And then what you can also see is that overall, a lot of the other metrics are largely consistent as well. And that they're either going up a little bit, or they've gone down a little bit, but nothing too meaningful in terms of changes there. And then when you look at years, three and four, what you can see here is that the number of users I had in year four of this particular website is 32.5K compared to the prior year in which we had 22.4k of new users. Overall, we've seen some different changes over time in which the growth was 45% year over year. 

But something to keep in mind is that in the month of may Google made a big change to their algorithm. And so there was some traffic impact there. Otherwise it would be a significantly bigger growth period for this particular year. All of that being considered though, here's what you can see when I summarize these key stats for you year over year. What you can see is that in between years one and two, it was a massive jump in terms of the number of new users.

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