I'm in the process of hiring a ton of new writers to my websites. And the reason why is because I want to double the content production in the next 60 to 90 days. In order to do that, I went ahead and posted a job listing and started getting applications immediately. So in today's video, I'm going to be sharing with you exactly how I hired six writers within two days of just posting a job and getting applications through the door. By the end of this video, you're going to hopefully be able to replicate a very similar process in the case where you need help finding some great content writers.
So the first thing you have to have before you even start scaling up your team and hiring a ton of content writers is you want to have some sort of a system. For me, I run everything in a combination of Trello, Asana as well as sometimes I use Notion. And what I do is I have my content writers working out of one of my boards for my different websites as they get assigned different articles, they move that through the board.
And then virtual assistant approve that. And then we publish that piece of content. So the very first thing that you want to do when it comes to hiring a tenant content, writers really fast is you want to create some sort of a job description.
With this job description, it's really important for you to outline exactly what sort of work are you looking to get filled. You want to answer questions like what sort of topics do you want authority on.
expertise around from your writers?
How are you planning on paying your writers in terms of the rate percent or per article if you're doing some fixed rate agreement. You're also going to want to share things like what you are looking for from the ideal candidate. Do you want somebody who responds to you for example.
within 48 hours?
Or do you want something in which, you know, it's a native English speaker or somebody with really advanced English writing skills. Then you're going to also want to talk about the next steps in the application process. When it comes to me, when I do with all of my applications is I make the candidate first sign in NDA and then get that signed in returned before I then share onboarding instructions. I have a set of onboarding instructions that I give every single content writer that joins my team, just so that they know and are clear on the expectations that are coming for joining my team. And then from there what'll happen is they will review that, confirm that they can actually follow those instructions before then moving forward in terms of their test milestone. Once I have them set up with that test milestone, that is the point in which I am really seeing whether or not this writer is going to work out.
And then most cases they don't actually. In fact, if I onboard five writers, only two or three of them are really going to make it through that test milestone. But the reason why I've done this over and over again is because it works in terms of filtering through the really high quality content writers who are able to follow instructions and learn my system, as opposed to the ones who are going to give me work that is really difficult to work with, or really difficult for my team to work with.
In the case where you want me to do a deeper dive video on how to exactly write and effective job listing versus an ineffective job listing let me know, but I'm not going to cover that in this video, just because that could be a whole video within itself. If you want to see that though, leave it comment below and I'll make sure to prioritize that later. But now that you have a basic baseline understanding of exactly how I approach this problem, what I'm going to do now is I'm going to show you exactly the sort of application process I set up, which website I used in order to find content writers really quickly. And then I'll show you exactly how I got to my six writers within just under two days. All right.